Archival Projects
The following are projects I have initiated or worked on in some capacity in regards to the archival field.
Case Study: Integrating artificial intelligence metadata within Paramount’s digital asset management system
An article written for Henry Stewart Publications’ Journal of Digital Media Management with my colleagues Dony West and Rebecca Ruud in 2021. An overview of the pros, cons and workflows for integrating an AI-based metadata model with an IPTC Core schema already in use.
Based on an Association of Moving Image Archivists Conference presentation in 2019.
Heated Hardware: Preserving Video Image Processing Instruments
My thesis for UCLA in the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies revolved around the preservation efforts for video image processors (or video synthesizers).
I will be presenting this paper at the 2018 Center for Visual Music Symposium at Sonoma State University this August 14th - 16th, 2018.
The Kathy Hansen Film Collection
In 2017, I acted as archival liaison for filmmaker Kathy Hansen-Butler and the USC Hugh M. Hefner Moving Image Archive.
Kathy Hansen (now Kathy Hansen-Butler), born in Seattle, Washington, has lived in various parts of the world and now resides in Fairfield, Iowa with her husband Bob Butler.
Her film collection represents works she made as an undergraduate at Stanford University and afterwards with Entheos Communication Corporation, (a creative co-operative founded by Steve Wilson and Kathy Hansen), between the years of 1968 and 1972.
Frontier Fellow at Epicentre: Archiving Green River
For three weeks in September 2017, I was a Frontier Fellow at Epicenter in rural Green River, Utah. During this time, I helped locals digitize hours of VHS tape footage, which will become a separate project in the near future.
Ken Kesey Film Collection Digitization
I spent two years, from 2016 to 2018, cleaning, repairing, digitizing, editing and describing roughly 200 reels of 16mm film and magnetic audio tape with the aid of Zane Kesey, Ken Kesey's son, and the UCLA Film & Television Archive. The digitization of this work could not have been done without the help and guidance of the USC Hugh M. Hefner Moving Image Archive.
My upcoming feature film, Atlantis Risen, will incorporate footage from Kesey's collection.
Desert Archive Days: High Desert Test Sites
In 2015 I received a grant through High Desert Test Sites to produce a community archiving event in Yucca Valley, California. Desert Archive Days is a program of High Desert Test Sites, a non-profit arts organization of Joshua Tree, California. The project was an artist and archivist led initiative to assist, support and collaborate with small, underfunded and often under staffed archives, libraries, collections, organizations or other groups that may have held document repositories. By involving artists in this program, we hoped to produce new work that institutions would archive and the High Desert Test Site would add to its arts repository.
Archiving Ghost Ship
This document is an attempt to help archive the creative and personal legacies of those who were lost in the fire at Ghost Ship in Oakland, California on December 2nd, 2016. Basic guidelines, best practices and suggestions are formulated in this shareable document and are specifically designed for use by the families and friends who were directly impacted by the tragedy.
Please email me directly to see this document or inquire further.